#RPGaDay 2024 – Day 1

Full list of #RPGaDay prompts

This post is a part of the #RPGaDAY series for 2024. For more information, see this post at AUTOCRATIK.

It has been quite a while since I've done any blogging, and I figured what better way to dust off the ol' gaming blog than with a return to some August #RPGaDay action. It looks like I haven't done an #RPGaDay series since...2017?!...so we'll see if I make it through the month this year, but I'm happy to just have gotten started.

The first prompt is "First RPG bought this year." I'm going to chop this up into digital and hardcopy, and further divide things into crowdfunded or not. Probably more divisions. Also I can't vouch for full accuracy on any of this; the beginning of the year feels like a lifetime ago.

Let's start with crowdfunded. The first digital item I backed at any point and was delivered this year was probably Witch: Fated Souls 2E from Angry Hamster Publishing, which I think delivered the digital edition really quickly following the new year. I've been a Liz Chaipraditkul fan for...geez, years now, and I enjoyed the first edition of Witch, though I have to admit to not having cracked open the second edition yet. I often won't get to perusing a game until I get the hardcopy, which is yet to come out from the 2E campaign.

I'm honestly not sure what crowdfunded hardcopies I got this year, let alone which was the first to come in. I moved house a few months back, and I am the world champion at being slow to unpack, so the vast majority of my belongings (and definitely my RPG library) is still in boxes. The only one I know for sure I got this year was Demigods (Jason Mills/Probably OK Games). I'm not sure if it was first, but it's not packed in a box, so that's something!

I think the first crowdfunding project I backed this year was for Community Radio, Second Edition from Thoughtcrime Games back in February. Another second edition and another longstanding fanhood, this time of Quinn Murphy.

In the non-crowdfunded arena, I think my first digital-only purchase this year was Outgunned (Riccardo Sirignano and Simone Formicola/Two Little Mice). I don't remember what prompted this purchase; it wasn't for a planned game or anything, I know that. It probably came recommended and almost certainly caught my eye because I love a good action move RPG, that's for sure.

As far as non-crowdfunded hardcopy...that's a rarity for me anymore, not getting out of the house much these days to do any browsing. I may have picked up something used here or there, but brand new from the store? I think my first this year was probably Deathmatch Island (Tim Denee/Old Dog Games/Evil Hat Productions), which actually I picked up pretty recently. This one was definitely based on recommendation, and also I'd recently become interested in checking out PARAGON-related stuff after listening to Sean Nittner on the Agon series of Character Creation Cast.

Full list of alternate #RPGaDay prompts

This year's #RPGaDay prompts included a full alternate set with a different theme for each day to be coupled with a randomly rolled prompt. I thought that sounded fun, so I decided to try that out either alongside or instead of the traditional prompts. Today's theme is "Runes," and I rolled a 6 for "create a random table." Pretty fitting result for runes!

Consider an ancient language consisting of a runic alphabet. The syntactic meanings (if not the phonetic backing) of these runes are known to you, a scholar of this language, but the mythical significance of each is shrouded by a dearth of historical record and concerted efforts by secret circles of practitioners of the old magic to obscure the runes' true powers. When you attempt to decipher the mythical ideal associated with a rune, roll two d6s and consult the d66 table below.


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